We happily accept donations of books and DVDs in excellent condition. Some donations may be added to the library’s collection, others may be sold in the ongoing book sale coordinated by the Friends of The Community Library. We also have a contractual agreement with an organization named Better World Books, which has provided us with a green collection bin located in the library’s parking lot.
We appreciate the generosity of our visitors, but given our limited space, we are unable to accept all donations offered to us. Please review this guide to determine how to proceed with your donations. And thank you for your support of The Community Library!
The Library WILL ACCEPT the following items:
Please bring these items inside the library.
- Hardcover & paperback fiction in excellent condition
- Non-fiction in excellent condition published within the past five years
- Children’s books in excellent condition
- DVDs of recent films or television shows with their original cases and covers
Please put these in the green “Better World Books” bin in the parking lot:
- Mass Market Paperback Romances
- Older hardcover & paperback fiction
- College textbooks published within the past 10 years and works of advanced scholarly research
- Professional reference books (e.g., medical, legal, accounting)
The Library and Better World Books WILL NOT accept the following:
- Anything damaged, discolored, moldy, yellowed, or with a strong odor
- Any books with missing covers
- Non-Fiction Books more than five years old
- Any “abridged” versions of books
- Books published by magazine companies (e.g., Readers Digest, Time Life, National Geographic)
- Books with extensive writing, markings, or highlighting on pages
- Magazines and journals
- Encyclopedias or Dictionaries more than five years old
- Advanced Reader Copies (ARCs) or uncorrected proofs
- VHS tapes or videodiscs
- CDs, Albums, cassette tapes, or 8-track tapes
- bookmarks, stationery, or notebooks
- computer discs or games
Please DO NOT leave boxes of books outside the library. Rain and snow quickly turn your donated books into trash we need clean up.